"After all these eons... To think that our home would be the one to come back to us."
Joshua Lang is a Canadian photographer and writer
with a focus on toys and pop culture collectables.
Available for commissions and advertising.
All in Third Party Transformers
"After all these eons... To think that our home would be the one to come back to us."
"What it all comes down to, Megatron, is us. You and I. We could end this war right now -Right now- With a handshake. Look me in the eye-Look me in the eye and say you want it ended, and it will end."
"Die Autobot! First Prime, then Ultra Magnus, and now you! It's a pity you Autobots die so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now. "
"Hey Optimus, how'd you like to hear the number one on the Decepticon hot cassette charts?"
"Tell me what's on your mind, or I'll splatter it on the wall and see for myself!"
"An Autobot's only as good as the fuel in his tank!"
"I grant you freedom, Decepticons- In every sense of the word! Why bow to the narrow needs of Megatron, When Garrus-9 can offer us a world of delights?"
" Hey, if I didn't get drunk, I'd probably let juiced-up cadets like that throw robots across rooms. But seeing as I'm five quarts of energon to the wind, I think I'm gonna give them a quick lesson in manners... "
"It's bad news, Scrapper. They've brought out the heavy artillery!"
“I owe you one from Sherman Dam, Rumble!”
“We believed in you. We dedicated our lives to you. You are the Decepticon cause! At least... you were..."
“One time, I tortured a guy for six years. It gave me time to think, to get my head in order. It made me a better person.”