"Hey Optimus, how'd you like to hear the number one on the Decepticon hot cassette charts?"
Joshua Lang is a Canadian photographer and writer
with a focus on toys and pop culture collectables.
Available for commissions and advertising.
"Hey Optimus, how'd you like to hear the number one on the Decepticon hot cassette charts?"
"Tell me what's on your mind, or I'll splatter it on the wall and see for myself!"
Long suspected of having one too many disconnected circuits in his logic center, Triggerhappy is a crazed, computerized creep who thinks everything is a big joke. Even in the midst of a raging battle, he's usually too busy laughing uncontrollably and drooling lubricant to look where he's shooting.
"I said I'd live out both our lives, easy to make that promise...."
"So nice to meet you! Can you defeat the combination of me and my master? Take this! Dark Magic Attack!"
"I'm afraid I disagree. You said it yourself Bakura, this is a game, and every challenge in a game has a solution... Now, need I remind you, you're playing with the King of Games!"
"An Autobot's only as good as the fuel in his tank!"
"We could have changed the world... now look at us. I've become a political liability, and you, you're a joke. I want you to remember, Clark, In all the years to come, in your most private moments, I want you to remember my hand at your throat. I want you to remember the one man who beat you."
"I am the Iron Fist. I hold back the storm when nothing else can."
"Datum Received. Conclusion; Must destroy Abominus at once!"
When in doubt, always bet on the giant robot with guns for arms!
"The captain says you're a friend. I will not kill you."