Freedom is the right of all sentient beings and all that jazz.
Joshua Lang is a Canadian photographer and writer
with a focus on toys and pop culture collectables.
Available for commissions and advertising.
All in Third Party Transformers
Freedom is the right of all sentient beings and all that jazz.
”Hey! Nobody calls Soundwave “Un-craz-a-matic”! Let’s kick tailgate!”
Are we looking at a double exposure here? Nope! It’s another legends style Reflector team to check out!
“OK Reflector, let’s see what you can see!”
“I’m Minerva! Pleased to meet you!”
“The Earth must be protected by its people! Like how you fought against the Decepticons for us unknowing humans, Hawk! Now it’s my turn to do the same!”
“I've rattled around long enough to have learned one thing; The universe is cold, and cruel, and violent. But only if you choose to look at it that way. For every act of aggression there are a thousand acts of kindness. For every hateful word, a million declarations of love. The good always outweighs the bad, and this, right now- This is my contribution to the good!”
“All sentient beings are free... to follow me! Refusal means destruction!”
Check out some of the TFCon 2019 Exclusives c/o Ages Three and Up!
“I don't need your permission to go anywhere. I'm Overlord.“
“We've got to find the 12 fragments of the Primal Key, unlock the Infinity Gate, Travel sideways in time, Defeat the Agents of Chaos and restore order to the Multiverse! All that and we still have to find the time to snag some Nucleon!”
New and improved hands and a whole new head bring Power Baser into a different era of Transformers greatness!