One Shot - Bruce Timm Designer Series Harley Quinn — Plastic Spark Photography
One Shot - Bruce Timm Designer Series Harley Quinn

One Shot - Bruce Timm Designer Series Harley Quinn

I picked up this lovely black and white statue of Harley Quinn based on Bruce Timm's designs for Batman the Animate Series at a local convention. Bruce Timm himself was there and I got him to sign the box! In hindsight I should have gotten him to sign the base of the statue... I went back the next day to try and get another signature and he had already left town :( I'll put it on the list for the next time I'm at a con where he is signing items. 

Anyway, I really love this statue, the removable smoke cloud is a fantastic touch and so clever. I just found out there is a color version of this statue as well! Put that one the shopping list :) 

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